Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.... Habakkuk 2:2

Reaching UP

Having a vital connection with God in this life is so important!  We serve a God who speaks and wants to connect with us.  He sent His Spirit into our hearts so that we could be united with Him. - John 17:21-23

The first and foremost way in which we connect with God is through worship and prayer.  As we lift up our hearts to Him, He speaks back to us and pours out His glory and blessing upon us. - John 4:23-24

We also connect with God through the reading and hearing of His Word.  Thank God for the written Word of God!  When the Word is implanted in us, it changes us and transforms us more into His image.  - James 1:21

It is so important for us to have this vital union with God and that we allow His Spirit to move us and lead us.   It was always the will of Christ for us to live Spirit-led and Spirit-governed lives.  Our posture in life should always be heavenward.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. - Romans 8:14


Reaching IN

The Body of Christ is supposed to be united for one common purpose.  Jesus' desire is that we be ONE just as He and the Father are ONE. - John 17:21

The Word teaches us that not only are we to be devoted to Christ but also to one another in brotherly love.  We should be selflessly giving preference to one another in the Love of God, in the same way that Christ laid down His life for us.   - Romans 12:10, John 13:34

.  The Body of Christ has many members and if those members do not rightly interact with one another, the Body will not function as it ought.  Christ has a plan for the earth.  His plan can only be carried out when we work together.  Division and strife are the enemy of the church.  The devil will try and separate us because he knows that "united in Christ" NOTHING shall be impossible for us. -  I Cor. 12,  Gen. 11:6

Reaching OUT

The last directive that Jesus gave us before leaving this earth was GO into all the world, preach, teach, baptize, and make disciples.  As believers we all have an obligation to reach out to those around us.  This is the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus. - Mark 16:15

Jesus also told us that those who believed in Him would do the works that He did.  We have been assigned the works of Christ to fulfill in this earth!  Jesus told His disciples to go.  And as they went, they were commanded to preach, heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons.  Jesus told us that these same kind of signs would follow those who believed.  We have been given all the tools for the job. - Matt 10:7, John 14:12, Mark 16:17-18

Finally, Jesus encouraged His disciples that after being baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire, they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth.  This speaks of four different kinds of peoples that we are to reach out.  Jerusalem speaks of my surrounding city or area.  Judea speaks of my nation.  Samaria speaks of those who may be undesirable or unpleasant to reach out to.  And the end of the earth speaks of other nations, peoples, and lands.  This is our desire as a church.  - Acts 1:8